Si Juki the Movie: Monkey Island Treasure
Amidst the family’s financial difficulties, Juki finds a treasure map left by his ancestors. Along with Professor Juned, Babeh, and Emak, Juki embarks on an adventure to hunt for treasure…
Crayon Shin-chan the Movie: Our Dinosaur Diary
Follow the friendship between the Nobara family’s pet dog Shiro and a “small dinosaur”. Their connection helps the growth of Shinnosuke and the Kusakabe Defense Squad.
The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes Movie
Porky and Daffy, the classic animated odd couple, turn into unlikely heroes when their antics at the local bubble gum factory uncover a secret alien mind control plot. Against all…
The black pomegranate
Ghazeleh, a young Iranian woman yearning for freedom and justice, is killed during a protest against Iran’s patriarchal regime, among the women of the “Women, Life, Freedom” movement. She films…
A wooden puppet who desperately wants to fit in makes an ill-fated wish upon a star, sparking a journey of self-discovery.
A Tale of the Stolen Peach
A lifeless old mansion hosts the liveliest birthday banquet. Guests enjoy the food and music while the birthday star remains silent. Only a peach seems to stir her soul. Adapting…
Les Hackel is a guy down on his luck who wakes to find an explosive device has been implanted in his neck. He must carry out heinous crimes in order…