The Elusive Samurai
Set between the Kamakura and Muromachi periods, during the Kenmu Restoration, the story follows the tale of Hojo Tokiyuki, a boy on the run after his family is overthrown by Ashikaga Takauji. With his only allies being a shady priest and his followers, the young lord must seek revenge and regain his glory, with his only weapon: a superhuman ability to flee and hide.
Views: 65
Genre: Action & Adventure, Animation
Actors: Aoi Yuki, Asaki Yuikawa, Hinaki Yano, Kikunosuke Toya, Mari Hino, Sayumi Suzushiro, Yuichi Nakamura
Studio: Aniplex, CloverWorks
TV Status: Returning Series
Duration: 24 min
Release: 2024
TMDb: 8.7
Networks: Gunma TVTokyo MXBS11Tochigi TV